

Publié le 02/12/2021

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Roman The god of war who, in his earliestforms, was a god of agriculture and prosperity. Mars wasthe second most powerful god in early Roman mythology,after Jupiter. With Jupiter and the god Quirinus,Mars shared a position of prominence in the religiouslives of the people of rome. While Mars remained aprominent god, he and Quirinus were replaced as partof the supreme trio by Juno and Minerva.Mars has old origins. Some suggest he was anagricultural god of the Sabine people. As a god whowatched over their food supply, Mars was seen asthe primary protector of their society. Mars was alsoknown as the father of Romulus and Remus, the twinbrothers, who according to some legends, founded thecity of Rome. He was referred to as "Father Mars" andRomans believed themselves to be his descendants.As Rome expanded from a city into an empirethrough military power, Mars evolved into the godwho protected the nation by protecting its army. Inthat way, he became the god of war. When Romanarmies conquered peoples and lands across Europeand the Mediterranean, the soldiers and colonists whofollowed them built temples to Mars to thank him fortheir success. They built most of their temples outsideof cities, where Mars could watch over the land.In time, Mars became associated with Ares, theGreek god of war, and took on some of his attributes.Unlike many other Roman gods, however, Marsretained most of his ancient reputation and mythologydespite the influence of Greek culture.The month of March, the first in the Roman calendar,received its name from Mars, for that was thebeginning of the growing season and the beginningof the season to wage war. He was often portrayedcarrying a shield and spears or lances. The oak and figtrees and the woodpecker were sacred to Mars.In astronomy, Mars is the fourth planet from theSun in the solar system. It was well known to theancient Romans as the star that shone red in the sky.Its color, the color of blood, strengthened the connectionbetween Mars and war.

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