
Droit Anglais

Publié le 08/10/2021

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« S1 : CMA ANGLAIS Introduction to English Common Law [email protected] Code : CommonLawCMA CMA ANGLAIS : Flore coulouma The English of Law England and Wales: à acheter. SESSION 1 - British law in context: geography, history, Empire to Commonwealth, the people. 1) Geography (No article) Great Britain: includes Northern Island, Wales, Scotland, England = The United Kingdom, the UK = England (No article) Britain: Big Island which includes England, Scotland, and Wales The Republic of Ireland is not part of England. Overseas Territories which are not part of England, self -governing entities, own legal system which is completely different from the England sys tem even if they listen to the Queen. Capital letters for nationality = adjectives and nouns - An Englishman, an English book - A Spaniard, a Spanish movie - A Scott, a Scottish restaurant What is the Commonwealth of Nations? “British Commonwealth”, “Commonwealt h”, founded in 1926 by the Statue of Westminster.

It is a voluntary association of the UK, with Its dependencies (the isles are dependencies of the Crown) 53 others sovereign (=independent) states, mostly former British colonies/protectorates (except Mozam bique and Rwanda which were not former colonies, but had English influence) Settles colonies were English speaking people stayed India, Canada.... »


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