
Aquinas, Thomas

Publié le 02/12/2021

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(c. 1224–1274) the mostimportant Christian theologian of the EuropeanMiddle Ages Thomas was the son of an Italiancount. He became a Dominican friar (seeDOMINICANS) and devoted his life to teachingand writing THEOLOGY. His greatest book was theSumma Theologica (1266–73), "the summary of alltheology."In Thomas's day western Europeans were justdiscovering the ideas of the Greek philosopherAristotle (384–322 B.C.E.). Thomas found theseideas very attractive. He insisted that truth wasone, because GOD was one. Therefore, he argued,what human reason said was true could not beopposed to what God's revelation said was true.The two were compatible. But human reasoncould not discover everything. Therefore, God fi nishedwhat reason began by revealing the fullnessof truth.Thomas included God's existence among thetruths that reason could discover. In fact, he providedseveral classic proofs for the existence ofGod (see GOD, THE EXISTENCE OF). He also felt thatalthough all human beings had a natural sense ofright and wrong, reason alone could not discovertruths such as the INCARNATION of God in JESUS andthe triune character of God (see TRINITY). Eventu-ally Thomas's teachings became more or less theoffi cial teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

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