
Vaccination: the Only Way out of the Pandemic

Publié le 05/12/2021

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« Forster 1 Rebecca Forster Sophie Hill Composition Group 6 November 15 th 2021 Vaccination: the Only Way out of the Pandemic Non-vaccinated people need to accept social restrictions because they are putting their own health over the society’s welfare.

Worldwide, billions of people received a vaccine against COVID-19 and only a minority have endured negative side effects.

Those suffering such side effects often had additional health issues, and yet, people are still rejecting the vaccine.

These vaccine refusers remain highly infectious and put others at risk, especially people who cannot get vaccinated.

For instance, children under the age of 12 or people with health issues such as autoimmune diseases cannot protect themselves against COVID-19.

Furthermore, people mainly received the vaccine to protect their families, their fellow men and themselves.

I for example am vaccinated to protect my family and my best friend who suffers from severe asthma and thus cannot receive the vaccine.

In addition, if thousands of people still reject the vaccine, communities will continue to jump from one lockdown to another.

I, for instance, love the company of my friends and we regularly go to bars or celebrate in clubs.

However, the lockdowns have forbidden this.

Why should we vaccinated people be punished and relinquish our social gathering rights again just because others refuse to get vaccinated? All in all, non-vaccinated people have not fulfilled their duty towards society and should therefore have more restrictions applied.. »


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