
Réécriture de conte de fée: A Blue Beard that smells good

Publié le 01/11/2021

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« A Blue Beard that smells good Once upon a time there was a man who had a beautiful house in the campaign, gold and silver dishes, embroidery furniture, golden carriages and a magnificent blue beard, which smelled so good that it attracted all the women of the campaign.

One morning, one of her neighbors was knocking on the door.

She had two perfectly beautiful daughters CHANEL and OPIUM.

CHANEL was delighted to see blue beard, she delicately smelled the beard of this gentleman, a perfect blend of strawberry from the woods and coconut from the islands.

But OPIUM didn't smell this delicious smell through it's nostrils, she had rather a very bad feeling.

OPIUM warned her sister but she already had the ring on her finger.

After a month, Blue Beard told his wife that he was obliged to take a six-week trip to the Province for a textile business.

he asked her to have a good time while he was away and to bring his good friends. Behold,' he said to him, 'the keys of the two furniture guard, the keys of the dishes of gold and silver which are not used every day, these are the keys of my safes where is my gold and my silver, the keys of the cassettes where are my jewels and here !s the master key to every apartment. Fo r this little key, it is the key of the cabinet at the end of the large gallery of the low apartment, open everything, go everywhere, but for this little cabinet, I forbid you to enter, She promised to listen to everything he had just said to her.

After kissing her, he climbed into his DoLorean and left for his trip. The good friends of CHANEL were eager to see all the riches of his House, they went through the rooms, the cabinets, the wardrobes, all more beautiful and richer than each other.

They then went to the storage rooms where they admired the number and beauty of tapestries, beds, sophas, cabinets, tables and mirrors.

They never ceased to demand and to envy the happiness of their friend, who however was not amused to see all these riches, because of the impatience that she had to go to open the cabinet of the lower apartment. CHANEL considered that it could happen to him misfortune to have been disobedient.

She also wondered why she had never been there before (probably too hypnotized by the smell of her dear husband !s beard).

She went down the steps at full speed and at the same time smelled this so familiar smell.

And when she was come down, she took the little key, and opened the door of the chamber trembling. Extremely surprised and under the shock, she had discovered garden gnomes, attach while mixing a large bowl.

He looked so unhappy, some were collapsing on the ground because of the heat and lack of air.

CHANEL asked them what he was doing and they all said at the same time : Ç "We are preparing the shampoo for Sir Barbe-Bleue but we have been exhausted for more than 50 years that we serve for Sir Barbe-Bleue, help. »


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