
Lord of the Flies (oral d'anglais)

Publié le 18/11/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Lord of the Flies. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Littérature.

« Marwane, Mirina, Eden, AlexiaLLCE Work Hello, my group and I worked on the Civilisation and Wilderness part of the work the teacher gave us.

We will talk about the presence of these two fundamentals in the excerpt we read, and how the characters in this excerpt are trying to build a hierarchy that will control all of these young peopleÕs actions.

Piggy is, in this excerpt, a smart and intelligent young boy, that seems to always Þnd things and objects that will be helpful to survive, such as the fact that, in the beginning, he knew that the shell that they found could be used to make a very loud noise that would alert some of the other kids that were on the island.

Though, we later discover the existence of a whole party of boys that are all wearing black clothes and black square caps.

The fact that they all are dressed and that this sort of dress code is a thing already gives us an element that shows that civilisation is still part of their behaviours and in their mind. But, we can see as well some sort of wilderness in their behaviours.

The fact that there is literally no adults on this island and that these kidsÕ parents are missing says a lot about the wilderness aspect of this excerpt.

Indeed, when they meet Merrdiew and his team, they seem to be very doubtful about them, and are a little scared of the approach that Merridew and his team had.

We can also note that the kidsÕ clothes de Þne at which ÒclassÓ they belong to.

If a kid is naked, this just means that he is a follower and he has no power at all, while MerridewÕs people are all wearing black clothes.

Some other people have all scattered and teared up shirts, etc..

this is just like chaos, everyone has itÕs own place or class and all of them are just as bad as the others.

There is no good points of being MerridewÕs team, since you will also be obedient to him.. »


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