
HISTORY: The cold War

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : HISTORY: The cold War. Ce document contient 819 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Histoire-géographie.

« The cold War Ñ> What was it? period of tension Ñ> Proxy wars : Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan Ñ> Why did it begin? - atomic bombs, 1945: USA develops atomic bomb, 1949: USSR has an atomic bomb, ideology (communism vs capitalism) Ñ> Who was to blame ? no one / bothÑ> How did it progress? - space race, crises, arms race, proxy wars Ñ> When did it end? 1989 - 1991Ñ> Why did it end? GorbachovWhat makes a good essay?Ñ> structures, good ideas, + good proof Paragraph : 1) point, evidence, analyze / explain, link back to question.The Yalta conference , February 19451.Who were the Big Three?Ñ> Stalin USSR, Churchill UK, Roosevelt USA2.

Why did they meet? Ñ> to decide what would happen at the end of the war3.

What did they decide about?Ñ> It would be divided into 4 zones occupied by Britain, France, the USSR, and the USA4.

The treatment of Nazis?Ñ> War criminals would be brought to trial5.

Elections? Ñ> Free elections across Europe 6.Reparations? Ñ> Set up a commission to look into the issue 7.

What issue were there with the decisions made at Yalta?Ñ> democracy meant different things to Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.Ñ> Each country had their own motivation : The Potsdam Conference.

July 19451.What had changed since Yalta?a.Germany had surrendered on 8th Nay 1945b.The ÔBig ThreeÕ were now Attlee, Truman and Stalin2.

What did they decide about?a.Control of Germany?Each occupying power would control their own zoneb.

Treatment of Nazis?Nazism was to be wiped out and war criminals brought to trial Ñ> Nuremberg Trials Each country had their own view on how best to achieve thisc.

Elections? Free elections across Europe as soon as possibled.

Repartions?Disagreements over reparations.

In the end, compromised to allow each to take reparations from their own zones and USSR could also take 10% of industrial equipment across Germany.3.

What caused tension at Potsdam?. »


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