

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« SInce a century, aeronautics have knew a revolution: Indeed, the 20th century was the start of a great adventure… the beginning of french aviation industry. What were the principal steps and planes who have marked that time and in which context ( commercial,army…) ? To ask to this question, first and foremost, we will focus on commercial planes and more precisely the Airbus A380 and the Concorde and secondly we’ll focus on the military aspect of the french aviation and one of the flagship of this: The Rafale And finally we will do a synthesis of these innovations. JEANNE: First of all, the concorde have flown for the first time with passengers the twenty-first of january 1976 but there was some tests ten years before and it was built by BAC and Sud Aviation .

This aircraft is the first supersonic commercial plane in the aeronautics and it was the fastest ( his speed his mach 2.02 or 1,354 mph) and he has got some particularities ( delta wings, droop nose…) .

Moreover he knew a great career because it was very fast (for instance, you could connect paris to new york in only three and a half hours) and comfortable for travellers.

However, as the old proverb says : “ all the good things must come with an end”, the 25th july of 2000, one of them crashed in Gonesse, France after departing from Paris-Charles de Gaulle to JFK airport, killing in passing that all the 100 passengers 9 crew members on board and 4 people on the ground.

It was the only fatal accident of Concorde.

Few years later, they understood this aircraft wasn’t the most economic and safety and they decide to push it to retire. The french aviation is very popular for her commercial planes like both wwe have talked before but she is more famous for an another aspect : military aeronautics To telling about that, let us presenting one of the most well-known fighter jet : The rafale. »


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