
Romeo and Juliet simplified in modern English

Publié le 24/02/2022

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« ROMEO & JULIET ACT 1 Narrator 1 : 16 th (sixteenth) century, two rich families live in Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues.

They are enemies: they hate each other! And they often fight.

The Capulets have one daughter, Juliet.

The Montagues have one son, Romeo.

Here the story begins... We are in Verona, in a public square... Tybalt : ...You know...the Montagues are all fools. Sampson : Oh, you’re damn right Tybalt! Anthony : Hey!!! Here they come, look! (ENTER MERCUTIO + ABRAM + BALTHASAR) Mercutio : Good morning, idiots!!! Tybalt : Good morning to you fools... Balthasar : What did you call us??? Abram : How dare you! (THEY FIGHT.

ENTERS BENVOLIO) Benvolio : STOP!!! STOP!!! Why do you always fight? Mercutio : Because we don’t like each other – and because they are cowards! Tybalt : You will be sorry for what you’ve will pay for it! (EXIT MERCUTIO, TYBALT, SAMPSON, BALTHASAR, ANTHONY.

ENTERS ROMEO, HE TALKS TO BENVOLIO and ABRAM) Romeo: A aahh!!! Benvolio: What’s up Romeo? Romeo : I am sad... Abram : Why? Romeo : I feel depressed...

I feel lonely... Benvolio : Well, there’s a party tonight.

It’s at the Capulets’ palace.

Do you want to go? Romeo : At the Capulets’ palace? They are our worst enemies: they will kill us if we go! Abram : Don’t worry, we will wear masks, it’s a fancy dress party. Benvolio : Oh, come on, Romeo!!! Romeo : Well, I don’t know...

it can be dangerous...

OK, let’s go! But we must be very careful, right!? Benvolio : Everything will be fine Abram: ...And we will have fun! (THEY EXIT). »


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