Publié le 02/12/2021
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Popular name for a medieval Shi'iteMuslim community more properly known as theNizari Ismailis. The Nizari Ismaili community is agroup within SHI'ITE ISLAM about which much imaginativelore has circulated. Europeans called them"assassins." Arabs called them hashishiyah, that is,"marijuana smokers." Travelers such as Marco Polo(c. 1254–1324) spread rumors that the assassinswere incited to murder by being drugged, takento gardens, and thus given a foretaste of paradise.These rumors remain entirely unsubstantiated.The Nizaris broke away from the FatimidIsmaili community of Egypt in the late 1000s. Asso often in Shi'ite Islam, the dispute concernedwho should be the next IMAM. They established astate in parts of Syria and Iran, which continued inexistence until the 1250s. The rumors about themcertainly derive from military and guerrilla actionstaken in defending and extending this state.The Nizari Ismaili community still exists, butthe name "assassins" is not associated with it. Inthe early 1800s, the community's imam receivedthe title of AGA KHAN.
Liens utiles
- Assassins
- Dans Le Temps des Assassins, Henry Miller écrit : ce que Rimbaud, le poète désirait c'était de voir disparaître les anciennes formes, aussi bien dans la vie qu'en littérature. Vous apprécierez cette formule en l'appliquant à poésie.
- " Assassins !