
Turkish Van.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Turkish Van.
Turkish Van, breed of longhaired cat from Turkey, also known as the Turkish swimming cat because of its affinity for water. This cat is named for Van Gölü (Lake Van) in
the eastern highlands of Turkey where it originated. According to legend, these cats swam into Turkish harbors to greet returning fishing boats.
Although crusaders probably brought the ancestors of the Turkish Van from the Middle East to Europe during the Middle Ages, deliberate breeding of this cat started in
1955 in Britain.
The male Turkish Van is a large, imposing cat while the female is petite by comparison. Both take up to five years to mature fully. The long, sturdy body has a broad
chest and a muscular neck and shoulders. The medium-length legs are longer in the back. The wedge-shaped head has high cheekbones, a long nose, and a rounded
chin. Its large, expressive eyes are round, and may be either angled slightly or level. The eyes are light yellow, amber, or blue, and its large upright ears sit close
together, high on the head.
The Turkish Van's coat has a distinctive pattern of white fur with a blaze of color on its head, a patch of color on its rump extending to the tip of the tail, and one or
more random spots of color on its body or legs. The colored patches can be black, blue, tortoiseshell, red, or cream, but for registration the cat is allowed only one color
in addition to the predominant white. The long, silky fur is water repellent. Hair on the face is shorter than on the rest of the body. Feathery tufts grow on the ears and
between the toes, and long, thick fur covers the tail. A male Turkish Van also has a full ruff, or fur collar, around its neck.

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