
TRY OUT 58 - 59

Publié le 17/05/2020

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« TRY OUT 58 – 59 1.

A new series of robberies has occurred in recent months in supermarkets in the center of Brussels.

Two policemen were killed and three others were taken hostage, and many customers were threatened by thieves.

Witnesses gave a detailed description of the robbers.

Although the police investigation of these cases for weeks, they still have no clue seriously.

One of the officers is still in the hospital between life and death, the bullet hit in the chest.

The same type of theft took place last year in France the same weapons and bullets were used .

Thieves do not hesitate to shoot and kill .

Even then , many suspects were arrested, but there was no real evidence , these cases remained unanswered.

The police of the two countries are now working together, according to informed sources , an inspector of the FBI would assist the French and Belgian teams . 2.

During the summer , many of our homes are visited by burglars.

In 1990 , a house was burgled on 20 .

Unfortunately, there is little chance of recovering stolen property, because they are quickly sold at low prices .

The damage caused by thieves also becoming increasingly important : often , all buildings are destroyed after a burglary. 3.

I do not play cards with him, he is still cheating and is really bad and dishonest.

Believe me, you can’t trust him, he will always manage to deceive you. 4.

Some people think there is too much violence on television.

There are even examples of suicide and murder resulting from a program or a particularly violent movie .. »


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