
Sommelier (E-U)

Publié le 03/12/2021

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Prénom Nom
 CP Ville
 Téléphone 1
 • Experienced native French wine steward with extensive experience in choosing superior quality wines from vineyards.
 • Excellent wine appreciation skills through visual inspection of the wine, then swirling before sniffing to detect Wet Cardboard, Vinegar, Wet Dog, Sour Milk, Cooking Cabbage or rubber smells which signify bad wines.
 Four Seasons, New York, 1993-present
 As the Head Wine Steward in this prestigious hotel, my main responsibilities entailed:
 • Matching the hotel wine menu to the various food menus.
 • Oversight of the interesting wine-serving ritual, involving the showing of the cork, the pouring of the sample, and the remaining wine pouring.
 • Ensuring the wine served is good and trusting the customer’s judgement
 • Advising customers and guests on the best wine for any meal or occasion
 • Responsibility for visiting famous vineyards, selecting vintages and overseeing shipment and delivery in optimum conditions. Compiling and managing a stock of several thousand bottles of wine and champagnes.
 Omni international, Paris, 1990-1993
 Wine Steward
 • Complete responsibility for creating a wine cellar from scratch for the newly opened hotel
 • Researched and prepared a list of first class wineries in France, visited and bargained with winegrowers to procure good quality vintages.
 • Prepared the hotel’s wine list, worked with the hotel chef to elaborate food menus that would be enhanced by the wines.
 • Advised restaurant guests on best wines to match dishes.
 City & Guilds certificate in catering (CAP restaurant)
 Wine steward’s certificate(MC sommellerie).
 Native French speaker with working knowledge of English, Italian, and German


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