
SAVOIR PRESENTER SON TEXTEThis document is an extract from....

Publié le 23/05/2020

Extrait du document

Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : SAVOIR PRESENTER SON TEXTEThis document is an extract from.... Ce document contient 1228 mots soit 3 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Divers.

« SAVOIR PRESENTER SON TEXTE This document is an extract from…. This document is a conversation between… and …. -> quel est le sujet ? : It’s about… it’s deals with…. -> où ça se passe : It takes place -> quand ça eu lieu it happened… -> personnages First the author/the journalist… he describes says asserts (affirme) After describing…… he showx that…. Finally he says…. He concludes that -> ce qu’ils veulent faire He makes us aware that…. He makes it clear that… The author contrast…with… He insists on… According to the author the problem….. The central character …… (personage) There are minor characters EXPLIQUER UN TEXTE: expressions importantes. 1) What the writer does (Parler de ce que fait l'auteur): - The writer tells a story, recounts an incident, gives an account of a situation, narrates an experience. - He describes, depicts, draws a picture, gives a description of... - He sketches, portrays, delineates, outlines a character, a situation - He states, poses a problem, raises a question, an issue, a point - He takes up a subject, touches upon it, treats it, tackles it - He concentrates, dwells, harps on it / He reflects, meditates on it, ponders over it - He places emphasis, lays stress on it, stresses, emphasizes, underlines it - He examines, considers, discusses a problem, views it as... - He maintains, asserts, declares that... - He alludes to the fact that...

/ He creates, invents / he illustrates, demonstrates - He expresses, utters, gives vent to his own feelings, ideas, views, opinions - His purpose is to... - He considers the arguments, the reasons for and against... - He analyzes the reasons why... - He looks at both sides of the question / He considers the questions from all angles. - He indicates, points out the disadvantages or drawbacks on the one hand, and the. »


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