Publié le 05/12/2021
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Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs], We have the regret to inform you of [affaire]. We trust that you will appreciate how inconvenient this is to us and that you will do in no time what is necessary to remedy the problem. Otherwise, we would have to refer the case to... However, we thank you in anticipation for ensuring us that this will not happen again. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely [votre nom] [votre fonction]
Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs], We have the regret to inform you of [affaire]. We trust that you will appreciate how inconvenient this is to us and that you will do in no time what is necessary to remedy the problem. Otherwise, we would have to refer the case to... However, we thank you in anticipation for ensuring us that this will not happen again. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely [votre nom] [votre fonction]