
Of mice and men

Publié le 17/05/2020

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« Essay Of Mice and Men Your honor , Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury , If you don’t mind , I would like to take this last opportunity offered to us for justice .

I imagine what you are thinking , for all of you , my client here this , is a man , even maybe a beast , who killed a person without reason, a man deprived of any feelings , but precisely , to judge a man, at least one must be in the secret of his thought, his misfortunes, his emotions , isn’t it ? Don’t we have to know what was in his mind that led him to do such act , above all ? If we only want to know the materials events , we are doing , like that , a simple superficial timeline of the events , a history for fools persons , for persons deprived of reason and compassion , but we aren’t like that , are we ? So many bad pictures of persons has been painted in so many minds just when the word murder was mentioned, but our actions are they all the reflect of the person we are ? Aren't we too much classify and categorize in today’s society , like sheep , for being again like it when justice must be done ? If I can ask you such thing ,with all the respect you deserve, I would you to consider and think about these questions during the verdict.

George Milton and Lennie Small had a friendship which we see once in our life , they grew up together and were like father and son , always travelling to farm to farm in search of a better life.

They lived in a world where solitude reigned, but they never stopped continue to depend and count one on each other.

The simple minded who had Lennie Small doomed him from the beginning of his life to a “predefined” death, a death that would in any way cause, despite of himself by his way of being and the fact that he acted without thinking of the consequences.

Despite of this , George have never stopped to love him , in his own way , to support him , to protect him during every conflict , as well as it could.

He never was separated from him , even for put him in a psychiatric aisle , because he thought to him and his well-being first of all , and it always have been. George always had the life of Lennie in his hands ,because of his mental state and his dependence on him , but everything that Georg always did was for protect him. For understand why does George did this we have to search in a part of the story of his life.

There is a man called Carlson in the farm they were who was upset of the death of his old dog .

He regretted to have not shoot his dog by his hands.

So when George knew that Lennie was going to die, he felt that it would be better if he did it himself.

In this way, he wouldn't have the burden that he just let Lennie get shot.

George didn’t know at that time if he should have done something else, but he knew he couldn’t have save him.

He kills Lennie by shooting him in the back of the head to save him from a more painful death than the death that Curley wanted to give it to him.

Curley has vowed to make him suffer for the death of his wife and all that George wanted once again was to protect him and give to him a dignified death.

It is well known that it’s more difficult to judge yourself as to judge others, but if you have been in his place, what would you have done? Imagine that a person “close” to you be condemn to death , don’t you want to shorten these suffering rather than perpetuate it ? In our first year of rights , we learn in books that “no one shall be held guilty of any act or omission which, at the time they were committed, did not constitute a penal offense”, does anyone see a penal offense in this act ?. »


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