

Publié le 17/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : nietzsche Ce document contient 1018 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Philosophie.

« Sujet 1 : Hello, I’m an historian and I’m going to explain you the evolution of the Afro-American community. To begin, the Blacks came to America bec.

They were brought as slaves.

They were shipped in appalling conditions.

The whites sent them on plantations.

On plantations the blacks cultivated tobacco, sugar cane and cotton.

They thought that they were only able to work on plantations.

They considered them as animals. In 1865 with the 13 th amendment, it was an important day: Lincoln decided the abolition of slavery.

Even if there was this decision the segregation towards the blacks grown, particularly in the South.

In the 50’s and 60’s the black community aimed by MLK, asked for the equality of civil rights by using march, demonstrations with no violence… In 1963 during the march of Washington in front of Lincoln memorial, many people meet for these ideas.

MLK delivered his famous speech.

All these conflicts will see being also born of movements like the Black Panthers, turning away from the ideas of MLK.

Thanks to him, there was the end of segregation in 1964.

The mentalities have changed.

The blacks had still hope with the election of Barak Obama in 2008.

Nevertheless, today there is still discrimination towards the blacks.

For example in justice, at work… Today there are 30 millions black people; most of them live in urban areas.

Thank you and Good bye! Sujet 2: Hello everybody! I’m MLK, a pastor.

You know that I’m a good militant for the black community.

I am and you are here bec.

The situation is serious.

More blacks are wrongly- accused.

There is some discrimination in the police and inequalities in justice between the Whites and the blacks.

They judge people on their skin color, on their appearance.

The blacks are discriminated in justice, at work and when they want to rent.

The black community is crossed of slavery to segregation.

The segregation is present at school, in the bus, in pubs… The blacks are into misery, humiliated, victims of lynching, terrorized by racist bands with the black panthers led by Malcolm X.

For example Charles Manson.

This man is a serial killer.

He had created a cult called “The Family”.

He commits murders to make accuse the blacks.

Because of this kind of person we are humiliated, wrongly-accused… We must stop this situation! We must claim the end of segregation, and the same rights as the Whites.

Let us keep hope.

We must be optimistic, nothing is lost.

I need you.

Thank you everybody to listen me.

Good Bye! Sujet 3 :. »


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