
Mala and Uttar

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« BAUDRAND Victor 1 ère S4 Mala watched TV at her husband’s apartment.

She hung out in the city all day.

Her husband came home after work.

It was 7:00 p.m.

“Good evening my love!” said Uttar cheerfully.

“How was your day?” “Well...

I’ve lived some mishaps.” replied the woman. “Really? What happened to you?” he wanted to know, puzzled. “Er… I visited the Rockefeller Center this afternoon.” explained Mala.

“At the beginning, just some people was looking at me badly because of my sari.” she added.

“In fact, people in Manhattan is a little superficial, you know! If you don’t wear Burberry or other designer clothes, they think that you aren’t normal.” retorted Uttar.

“Right, I see.

Guess what happened to me after in the metro!” declared the young Indian.

“I don’t know… Tell me honey!” asked the man curiously.

“I was sitting on a folding seat when a little boy asked me why I had a wound on the forehead.” told Mala.

“At the time, I didn’t understand why he was saying that… When I understood that he was talking about my bindi, my third eye! I was so embarrassed!” “Aha! What a situation! It’s a little weird but cute as it’s from a child.” replied the man.


And what did you answer?” “I laughed...

and I told him it was my religion, simply.” retorted the foreign woman.

“I could’ve asked him why his mother was so fat...

but I’m polite.” “That’s right, only Americans are so fat! It can be a culture shock for the foreigners.” he argued.. »


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