
Little Rocks

Publié le 22/05/2020

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« Little Rock Nine Civil Rights Memorial State Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas Testament          By Mohammed Jeaidi I  think everyone who’s lived in the 1960’s remember the Little Rock Crisis You know the n ine, African American students that courageously integrated Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

Little Analepsis: The nine students attempted to integrate Central High school in Little Rocks, Arkansas.

The first day of school, on 4 th September 1957, they were harasses, insulted and bullied by the other white students.

The governor Orval Faubus deployed guard to prevent the black student from entering.

This decision was unconstitutional so King wrote a telegram to the president Eisenhower to denounce the injustice of the governor and also questing Eisenhower to take the forthright position in the situation.

Few days later, US Army troops were ordered by the president to protect the students.

Ernest Green, one of the nine African American, became the first black student to graduate from Central High school the 27 May 1958; It’s a day to remember: During the ceremony, no one was clapping, except his family.. 48 years later, in 2005 life-size statues were sculpted by John Deering, a little rock artist who immortalized the nine legends in a great memorial located on the ground of Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock.

It situated on the northern side of the building, it faces the Governor’s office window.

It is the only Civil Rights Memorial located on any State Capitol grounds in the south. Every individual bronze plaque identifies which student is which and also includes a comment from each one.

The idea for the monument came to the artist after the 40 th anniversary of the Little Rock Desegregation Crisis in 1997.

There was some skepticism expressed by Ms Eckford, but the doubts disappeared when Deering called to tell her the funding had been approved by the legislature.

According to the artist, she broke down and cried.

In spite of that, Ms Eckford and the others were very supportive if the sculpture’s concept from the beginning.

It was certainly named the testament because it was the only wish of those brave people.

Today , the current students of Central High school, black as white, respect a lot what the nine did.

“Without them, the civil rights movement of the 60’s wouldn’t be possible, they are true agents of change, they are, warriors, they are Heroes.”. »


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