

Publié le 17/05/2020

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« Dear perfriend, My name's Lucas and I'm 12 years old .

I have got short brown hair and black eyes .

I live in Roubaix in France . I have got one big brother but I haven't got any sister .

My brother is sixteen years old .

His name's Nicolas .My father's name's Remo and my mother's name's Marie .

I'm always cheerful .

I'm a polite boy .

I like looking after my littles cousins .

l like playing video games and l like playing football with my friends too .

At weekend , l usually watch movies or go to the swimming - pool .

l live in a big house .

l have a garden with flowers but l haven't got any pets .

My friends say l smile all the time .

l am never grumpy and l'm helpful .

l usually tidy my room and l mostly help to set the table. How old are you ? Have you got sisters and brothers ? Do you help to cook dinner ? Do you do the washing-up ?Do you usually do your best ?Are you helpful ?What are you hobbies ?Have you got pets ? Do you complete all your homework ?Can you play football ?Do you always get into trouble ?                                                                                                       Bye and don't forget to                                                                                                              answer my                                                                                                                   letter                                                                                                                 please.                                                                                                  From your new friend Lucas !. »


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