
Jane Austen - Biography.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Jane Austen - Biography.
English novelist

Birth December 16, 1775
Death July 18, 1817
Place of Birth Steventon, Hampshire, England
Known for Exploring themes of marriage, family, and everyday country life in witty novels with strong heroines
Milestones 1790s Began writing brief fictional pieces, including the burlesque 'Love and Freindship' [sic] and the short novel Lady Susan
1804 Began writing The Watsons around this time
1811 Published, at her own expense, the novel Sense and Sensibility, which was based on a story she began in the late 1790s titled
'Elinor and Marianne'
1813 Published the novel Pride and Prejudice, the story of the Bennet sisters' pursuit of marriage
1814 Published the novel Mansfield Park
1816 Published the novel Emma
1817 Began work on the novel Sanditon, which she did not finish before her death
1818 The novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were published posthumously.
Quote 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.' Pride and Prejudice,
ch. 1 (1813)
Did You Austen received little formal education, was tutored at home by her father, and lived with her family throughout her life.
Austen's novels were originally published anonymously.
Austen never left the south of England and had little or no contact with the literary community of London.
Although her work received positive reviews, she was not a popular novelist during her lifetime.
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