
Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi - Biography.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi - Biography.
Prime Minister of India

Birth November 19, 1917
Death October 31, 1984
Place of Allahabad, India
Political Congress, New Congress, Congress (I)
Terms 1966-1977
Known for Sending Indian troops to help Bangladesh win its independence from Pakistan
Introducing economic reforms; advancing population control; and continuing the legacy of socialism and nonalignment of her father, Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, though sometimes resorting to authoritarian rule
Milestones 1938 Joined the Indian National Congress
1947-1964 Acted as the political confidante of her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India
1955 Joined the Working Committee, the highest authority in the Indian National Congress
1959 Became president of the Indian National Congress
1969 Formed the New Congress Party after splitting with conservative Congress members and embracing socialist policies
1971 Sent troops to support the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan, and subsequently worked to improve relations with Pakistan
1975 Convicted of minor election fraud in the 1971 election; declared a state of emergency during which she suspended civil rights and
imprisoned opposition leaders
1977 Lost her seat in parliament to the Janata Party in a free election
1980 Regained power as the leader of the Congress (I) (for Indira) Party after Prime Minister Desai and his Janata Party failed to
effectively address economic difficulties and a major drought in India
1984 Ordered the military to end the occupation by Sikh separatists of the Golden Temple at Amritsar; the resulting massacre was
avenged later in the year when Gandhi was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards
Quote 'I would say our greatest achievement is to have survived as a free and democratic nation.'
Did You Indira Gandhi gained her surname by marriage to Feroze Gandhi, who was not related to Indian nationalist Mohandas Gandhi.
Gandhi's son Rajiv trained as a pilot, but became her successor as prime minister after her assassination in 1984.
As a child, Gandhi's nationalist sentiments were inspired by a book about Joan of Arc, which she found in her father's library.
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