

Publié le 17/05/2020

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« We’ll present the American electoral system, than the (bipolar) Two-party system : democratic ( which is represented by the jackass (donkey ?) and republican.

(represented by the elephant ) The American electoral system is composed by two phases: the primary election - and the election of the president by the Electoral College.

After the declaration of candidates for the presidential election (who have to abide by some laws like: must be older than 35, have the US nationality … ), the 50 states of America will elect some delegates of the Party with a caucus ( sort of meeting ) or with a private vote or a public vote.

They will choose one candidate of each party.

The election of the president by the Electoral College The election of the president is an indirect vote.

People vote through the Electoral College composed of 538 Electors.

Splitted by the numbers of habitants : The smaller country count only 3 elector while the bigger ( California ) count 55 electors.

To be elected, the candidate must have 270 votes.

But there is the the winner-takes-all system that mean that when the candidate received the majority of the vote all the electoral states are with him.

It also exists a sort of habit some countries vote always for the same party and others which are called the Swing states which always change their opinion and these countries are the aims of the candidates.. »