
Discours oral d'anglais sur le bégayement

Publié le 26/05/2022

Extrait du document


« Imagine that one day you are talking with someone, a group of friends, work colleagues or family members.

Everyone is talking, some are telling stories, others are making jokes.

In short, a peaceful and joyful atmosphere.

Then you decide to speak up, to join in the conversation and the drama begins.

Some of your friends imitate you and repeat your words with a stammer.

Everyone laughs, mocks for a few seconds, and then goes back to talking.

But what about you? You are embarrassed, hurt, ashamed and regret having spoken.

A horrible situation, isn't it? This situation is experienced by millions and millions of people around the world.

1% of the world's population is affected by stuttering, that's 700 million people.

700 million people discriminated against every day in silence.

Justine, 10 years old, is afraid to go to school because people make fun of her stuttering, Sam has lost his self-confidence, Lea is shy because she is afraid to stutter in front of people.

Mike is tired of his horrible co-workers making remarks about him at every turn. And what have we done about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

We all ignore stuttering.

No one cares about how the other person feels or the impact it has.

It is not given much importance.

Society's greatest discovery was to say: if you want to avoid it, you can always speak by singing "....". Yet stuttering is a speech disorder that has a strong impact on our personality, selfconfidence and psychology.

It is also difficult to treat and requires a lot of time and money.

It requires relaxation and concentration sessions.

Also, it is necessary to make people with stuttering feel confident, to include them and to ignore their disorder.

It is through acceptance of the other that we can progress. Today is a big step, a big step for humanity.

We have the opportunity to change the world, the mentality of society and to become aware of our actions.

Awareness is the greatest agent for change.

Awareness is the first step in healing.. »


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