
Bull Terrier.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Bull Terrier.
Bull Terrier, breed of dog, developed in the late 19th century by crossing the English bulldog with the now extinct white English terrier, and the resulting type with the
Spanish pointer. Formerly bred for the sport of dogfighting, the bull terrier is unusually agile and courageous. The dog has a long, oval-shaped head; very small, black,
oblique, close-set eyes; a broad, black nose; a broad, deep chest; a short, muscular back; big-boned legs; and a short, straight tail. The coat, generally pure white in
color, is dense, with short, glossy hair. Bull terriers weigh between 5 and 27 kg (12 and 60 lb); the standard weight is about 23 kg (about 50 lb) for the male and 20 kg
(45 lb) for the female.

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