
Black friday

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Black friday Ce document contient 597 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« ExposŽ Lva en quoi les black friday ont ils obtenu un pouvoir sur l population ? I.Black FridayÕs origin For centuries, the adjective Ç black È has been applied to days upon (=pdt lesquels) which calamities occurred (=se produire).

The first use of the term ÒBlack FridayÓ was applied not to holiday shopping but to financial crisis .

During 50Õs, it referred to he practice of workers pretending to be sick in order to have a four day weekend.

Around the same time, this term was used by the police in Philadelphia and the Rochester to describe the crowds (=foule) and traffic durant the start of the Christmas shopping season; the New York Times used this term to refer to the busiest (=chargŽ, rempli, animŽ) shopping and traffic day of the year.

As merchants operated at a financial loss (=perte financire) from january to november and made their profit during holidays beginning on the year after thanksgiving.

Black Friday is the beginning of the period when retailers (=dŽtaillant, commercant) would no longer be Ç in the red È.

II.Advantages Stores offer giveaways Shops offers prizes for the first 100 people in line in front of stores.

There are a variety of ways to win on Black Friday.

For example : ¥ CabelaÕs (a store for hunting =chasse and pche) gives $15,000 in prizes to the first 500 people in line at 5 a.m.

on Black Friday VictoriaÕs Secret and Bath & Body Works are also known for their giveaway tote bags, handed out (=distribuer) to customers during Black Friday. Consumer electronics deals a lot An upside (=avandage) to the Black Friday sales are the deals on consumer electronics.

Retailers offer discounts on the latest models of TVs, computers, Apple products, smartphones and tablets.

Some older models might go on sale as well. You can get a feeling of satisfaction Sometimes, to make a wichlist of what we need go for it during Black Friday make us feel satisfied because often we did deals.

Some shoppers use Black Friday sales as a time to stock up on holiday decorations, everyday household products or bulk items (=produits en vrac). III.Drawbacks Sales are limited in quantity or time When we see an ad with great deals, but it also reads Òwhile supplies lastÓ and Òlimited quantity,Ó we wonÕt know exactly how many items are in stock.

Or an item could be 50% off, but only from 6 to 7 a.m.

Make sure to read ads carefully and contact local stores to see just how many items will be available. Promotions may not be such bargains(=occasions en or) A recent analysis of Black Friday ads by NerdWallet and Harris Poll found that 93% of the ads this year are exactly the same as those last year.

The study also found that the deals were available at other times throughout the year.

NerdWalletÕs study also found that some retailers increase their prices just before Black Friday.

Sometimes we donÕt particularly need an item, and we just feel like splurging (=faire un folie, faire chauffer la carte bleue).

I am going to show you a video about the violence during black friday.. »


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