
Basset Hound.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Basset Hound.
Basset Hound, hunting dog originally bred in France from the French bloodhound and the Saint Hubert hound. The basset was popular in France, Belgium, and other
European countries for hundreds of years before being exhibited for the first time at an English dog show in 1875. After 1880 it gained rapidly in popularity in Britain.
Standing 28 to 38 cm (11 to 15 in) high at the shoulder, the basset has a long body and heavy bones and weighs 11 to 18 kg (25 to 40 lb). The English basset has
deep-set eyes; long, soft, hanging ears; a long head; and a well-developed black nose. Smaller than the English type, the French basset is more agile. The type of
basset common in America has crooked or half-crooked front legs, well-muscled hind legs, heavy shoulders, and a deep chest. Used for tracking and hunting small
game and game birds, the basset has a keen sense of smell, second only to that of the bloodhound.

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