
Afghan Hound.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Afghan Hound.
Afghan Hound, breed of hunting dog, which has long been found in the hill country of northern Afghanistan. Evidence exists that the breed was known in Egypt as far
back as 4000


British soldiers returning home from the India-Afghanistan border wars introduced the breed into England in the late 1800s, and it was brought to the

United States about 1930. The Afghan hound weighs about 27 kg (about 60 lb) and stands about 69 cm (about 27 in) high. It has a narrow head, like that of the
greyhound; a long neck; straight, strong forelegs; and thick, silky hair. The Afghan hound hunts its game by sight. The dog is especially valuable in hilly country
because of its ability to turn easily and execute powerful leaps.

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