
Article Paper Assignment

Publié le 18/05/2020

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« Nazim Youcef Louadah Theater 1041 Professor Charles Dietrich Article Paper Assignment How Broadway became Broadway is an article written by Keith Williams on October 26 th, 2017.

This article is very interesting for me because I love going to Times Square to watch movies and I always see the Broadway’s theaters , which c atch my attention every time , on my way to the cinema .

Most of the world know that Broadway is famous for its artistic, musical and theatrical expositions.

However, only few know how it became so famous.

It is thus through Williams’s article that we familiarize with the magnificent story of Broadway.

Although the Civil War was a terrible event in America history, it has benefited Broadway in a wonderful way.

Keith Williams declared , “Tours were suddenly possible because of significant expansion and improvements to the nation’s railroad network , made for military purposes during the Civil War” (How Broadway Be came Broadway, 2).

Thus, external factors played a big a role in the expansion of Broadway ’s popularity .

Railroad allowed people to transport all their equipment, costumes, and sets in the country .

Accordingly, it made the scenes more attractive and gained considerable audiences.

Jennifer Ashley Tepper, a theater historian and producer , declared, “ After the Civil War, the phrase ‘direct from Broadway ’ emerged in advertising when shows traveled to other cities” (How Broadway Became Broadway, 2). Broadway sho ws were a pride across all the country.

It was relevant to its success.

It was around the same time that Broadway was becoming known as “The Great White Way” because of its electric advertisements.

I always wondered from where came the idea of the ad s in Times Square.

I was surprised to learn that it first appeared in Broadway. In conclusion, the article was very informative and interesting.

I learned a couple of things like the popularity of Broadway at that time, the effect o f railroads, and the. »


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