
animal farm

Publié le 18/05/2020

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« INESS REKABI 1L08 ANIMAL FARM , GEORGE ORWELL The text of George Orwell is first presented as a story, a narrative work.

The writer uses the traditional tools of narration: an omniscient narrator, a plot.

However, the protagonists of this story are not human but animals that the writer imagines, they can talk, but they also have a personality.

The first element distinct the narratives like a fable of La Fontaine.

The fable is the second element to be addressed in this story; indeed we have well education, a sort of report of human nature and social functions.

Its value is collective, universal.

The story evolved human characters that represent categories, (human, social) they are typical examples: Stalin, Lenin, the NKVD...


They are also representative of an era: the communist era of Stalin.

The animals are the characters in charge of a symbolic value, they allow, by transposition, to evoke the behavior, the characters of people.

Fables criticize the social life and political life, but also used for supporting the traits of humans. The main characters are first the pigs, in fact they have a very important place in the story, especially Napoleon and Snowball but Old Major who by his word creates the urge to revolt of animals.

But also other animals.

So first of all Old Major, this is a very old pig, following a dream, is the initiator of revolutionary ideas.

He died just after giving his ideas, which will be put into practice by other pigs.

It is inspired by Lenin and like him, he will be revered but later it will be forgotten.

Napoleon is a corrupt pig who becomes the leader of the farm step by step it will establish a totalitarian system and is the total master and have all the powers.

He elevates in secret nine puppies and once they have become impressive big dogs, he makes it his personal guard with whom he will expel Snowball from the farm.

One finds well Stalin in Napoleon.

Snowball is a pig who is very rigorous on the side of Napoleon during the revolution against men but very quickly the two pigs become enemies because they don't have the same ideals, in fact Napoleon has a very inventive mind for example, with the passage of the mill which was rejected by Napoleon.

After that Snowball is driven from the farm by Napoleon and he will be considered like a traitor, everyone leave him alone and he will be left in oblivion.

Snowball was inspired by Trotsky.

Squealer is a pig, it is he who will take care of indoctrinating animals indeed he is the master of propaganda.

For example, it justifies the actions of Napoleon from constantly talking to animals of the farm.

And when he can’t do it, he uses the threat and intimidation for example using dogs of Napoleon.

It is he who constantly changes the Seven Commandments to conform to some questionable decisions pigs.

It affects the memory of animals about the Battle of the stable; with persuasion or threat he succeeded to make them understand how Snowball, which was regarded as a hero of the revolution, had in fact tried to lead them to their loss.

Then other animals, first Boxer is a draft horse the most loyal worker on the farm.

He persists to work harder and it is certain that Napoleon never wrong.

Boxer represents the Stakhanovism and this generation of Russians who sincerely believed to the Soviet regime.

Moses is a raven who worked for Mr.

Jones, then for Napoleon.

He will try to convince the existence of animal paradise.

I think it represents the religion which at the time of communism was much contested because it is considered as a drug and it causes people to not change.

Benjamin is an old donkey skeptical about the revolution; he. »


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