
Anglais - Khôlle: Abigail Adams on March 31, 1776

Publié le 01/05/2021

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« AnglaisKh™lleKh™lle n*2 The right to vote was ofÞcially given to women in the United States of America in 1920 by Woodrow Wilson when it was written in the 19th amendment.

Before that, during the 19th century, few states had already given women the right to vote.

But the question of womenÕs right to vote is even older than that since it also occur in 1776.

Indeed, the article IV of the Constitution of New Jersey gives the right to vote on property.

So women had already the possibility to vote but only few of them because they had to be widow and owner.

The document is a compilation of two letters written in 1776.

The Þrst one is written by Abigail Adams on March 31, 1776.

It is address to her husband, John Adams.

John Adams was at time involved into the Independence of the thirteens colonies from England.

Indeed, few months later, on the 4th July 1776, the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson but John Adams also participated in its creation.

He also became the 2nd president of the United States few years later (1797-1801).

The second letter is written by him in May 26th, 1776.

It is address to James Sullivan, who was a politician in Massachusetts (he also became governor of the state in 1807).

In 1776, he was appointed to the stateÕs highest court (in march).

He was involved in the Constitution (ratifying).

This second letter, who came later than the Þrst one shows the inßuence of Abigail Adams on her husband.

Indeed, he often ask her for advice or for her opinion on subject.

Here in her letter, she talks about womenÕs right.

She knows that with the Independence, new laws will have to be made, so she suggest a change in women right.

We can the the inßuence on the second letter, because one of the main subject is also womenÕs rights.

This shows how important that subject already was at that time.

We can ask ourselves how womenÕs right were already an important subject at that time and why it didnÕt work out? Because as we know it, women didnÕt get to vote in 1776, they had to wait 1920.

To answer that question, we will give the women point of view of that question and more speciÞcally Abigail Adams and we will see which argument she gives to convince John Adams of the importance of womenÕs right.

Then we will see how the question of womenÕs right is placed in the context of the Independence.

At last, we will talk about the importance of property in the ability to vote.

I.WomenÕs point of view and argument 1.Compare men to George III -Abigail Adams knows that the question of Independence is a hot topic in 1776 and specially for John Adams.

Ç I long to hear that you have declared an independency È -She also knows that George III, the King of England at that time is the reason why American people want to be Independent.

-Which is why she uses many reference of what George III did to the colonies.

-Ç The passion for liberty cannot be equally strong in the breasts of those who have been accustomed to deprive their fellow creatures of theirs È.

Here the passion for sur 14. »


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