Anglais: Is TV good or bad for person and society ?
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Anglais: Is TV good or bad for person and society ? Ce document contient 640 mots. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Echange.
Is TV good or bad for person and society? Television started coming to life around the late 1920's while the film industry was working on ways to add picture to sound. There were two inventors busy with the idea of how to produce electrical television. Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin being two very opposite individuals perfected the television camera tube also know as the iconoscope (from the Greek, "image" "to see"). Eighty years later, television is considered to be the most important and most respected form of transmitting information. It's easy accessibility means that it has the largest audience of all forms of media and therefore the greatest impact. Consequently, we might think that television is an asset to the cultural development of society, however, television can also play on the lack of culture of the society and therefore, influence how people think and behave. Therefore, we will seek, in this essay, to show the benefits and the pitftalls of the phenomenon becam television last fifty years. Advantages of television: Television is primarily a tool of communication and information dissemination. For example, recent studies show that North American's have more TV than bathrooms in their homes. Televison is part of everyone's life. Due to this large audience, this form of media can help shape societal development, while enjoying their favourite television shows people unknowingly absorb the political, social and economic messages that are assumed in the program. Most of people consider this as an advantage, because it helps bring to people who are not very interested by the news, a minimum of information that can not be avoided when you watch television. Especially nowadays when, on the news channels, the news scroll at the bottom of the screen. We also recognize another good aspect of television that educate and allow people to see a world they might never have a chance to see in reality. Television is a way to create the dream, and to maintain it for a lot of people. For example, teenagers dream about the perfect life, they dream about doing whatever they want, TV allow them to leave the life of someone who is the perfect embodiment of the free and unconstrained teenager. Adults dream about seeing the empire State Building of New York, Discovery channel will lead them in front of the building on Saturday night! Besides, TV channels present a considerable advertising medium which allows to raise the economy and to create jobs. A company as the CLT made a lot for the economy of the Grand-Duché. Pitfalls of television: However, despite many advantages, television also has many pitfalls. At first, it is necessary to say that it is about a passive media: the televiewer is subject to the stupidity and to the progressive exhaustion. Deprived by any critical spirit, it quickly becomes the object of a television manipulation. He doesn't think any more, he "swallows" all that we present him. Take only advertising; people are watching television at night, when comes publicity, and most of the time, the advertising is about food or drinks. The person who is watching television will have a sudden envy of the product that goes on TV! Television can turn any simple spectator into a consumer. Regarding the dissemination of information, TV shows a small, distorted view of reality, which can damage people's view of the real world, and can influence people's point of view. Finally, lots of critics blame the TV channels for spreading too many scenes of violence, what risks to increase the aggressiveness of the young people. For the sociologists, this cinematic brutality is one of main causes of the violence of the young people of today. The murder is trivialized, the murder becomes a custom. Statistics showed that an average American of 16 years attended 40.000 murders broadcast since his birth.
Is TV good or bad for person and society? Television started coming to life around the late 1920's while the film industry was working on ways to add picture to sound. There were two inventors busy with the idea of how to produce electrical television. Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin being two very opposite individuals perfected the television camera tube also know as the iconoscope (from the Greek, "image" "to see"). Eighty years later, television is considered to be the most important and most respected form of transmitting information. It's easy accessibility means that it has the largest audience of all forms of media and therefore the greatest impact. Consequently, we might think that television is an asset to the cultural development of society, however, television can also play on the lack of culture of the society and therefore, influence how people think and behave. Therefore, we will seek, in this essay, to show the benefits and the pitftalls of the phenomenon becam television last fifty years. Advantages of television: Television is primarily a tool of communication and information dissemination. For example, recent studies show that North American's have more TV than bathrooms in their homes. Televison is part of everyone's life. Due to this large audience, this form of media can help shape societal development, while enjoying their favourite television shows people unknowingly absorb the political, social and economic messages that are assumed in the program. Most of people consider this as an advantage, because it helps bring to people who are not very interested by the news, a minimum of information that can not be avoided when you watch television. Especially nowadays when, on the news channels, the news scroll at the bottom of the screen. We also recognize another good aspect of television that educate and allow people to see a world they might never have a chance to see in reality. Television is a way to create the dream, and to maintain it for a lot of people. For example, teenagers dream about the perfect life, they dream about doing whatever they want, TV allow them to leave the life of someone who is the perfect embodiment of the free and unconstrained teenager. Adults dream about seeing the empire State Building of New York, Discovery channel will lead them in front of the building on Saturday night! Besides, TV channels present a considerable advertising medium which allows to raise the economy and to create jobs. A company as the CLT made a lot for the economy of the Grand-Duché. Pitfalls of television: However, despite many advantages, television also has many pitfalls. At first, it is necessary to say that it is about a passive media: the televiewer is subject to the stupidity and to the progressive exhaustion. Deprived by any critical spirit, it quickly becomes the object of a television manipulation. He doesn't think any more, he "swallows" all that we present him. Take only advertising; people are watching television at night, when comes publicity, and most of the time, the advertising is about food or drinks. The person who is watching television will have a sudden envy of the product that goes on TV! Television can turn any simple spectator into a consumer. Regarding the dissemination of information, TV shows a small, distorted view of reality, which can damage people's view of the real world, and can influence people's point of view. Finally, lots of critics blame the TV channels for spreading too many scenes of violence, what risks to increase the aggressiveness of the young people. For the sociologists, this cinematic brutality is one of main causes of the violence of the young people of today. The murder is trivialized, the murder becomes a custom. Statistics showed that an average American of 16 years attended 40.000 murders broadcast since his birth.
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