
Anglais: dystopia

Publié le 19/11/2020

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« Contrôle d’anglais There are many problems in today's world, but there are some that stand out because of their gravity and importance in the world.

First we will what are the mainly problems, then we will see how they will get worse and finally we are going to see how my dystopia works.  The inequalities between men and women in terms of salary (men earn more than 20% for the same job compared to women).

There is also inequalities in terms of domestics tasks : on average a men do 2 hours of domestics tasks while a women do 4 hours.

To promote gender equality, there is nothing like displaying it in the public space.

However, at the political, cultural or sporting level, parity is far from being effective but there is 26.2% of women in the National Assembly (in France).  The poverty is an other problem in our society because 10% of the total population of the world are below the extrem poverty line that means one person have under 2 dollars by day to live.

That’s impossible to live with so little money.

There are also inequalities of wealth in the world ; Eight people on the planet hold as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population because they are multi-billonair.

For exemple in India the richest 10% have 50% of wealth of the all country.  The global warming is a main issue of our world because in 50 years, the level of the oceans has risen by 10 centimeters.

A trend that is expected to continue and even accelerate in the coming years.

As a consequence of rising sea levels, coastal cities could be submerged before the end of the century.

If nothing is done to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, New. »


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