

Publié le 08/12/2021

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Travail d'imagination

Subject : You want to help the planet, you must create anything that would lower people's impact on the environment, whether in cities or in the countryside. Describe your project and explain its goal.

I create a association who help shops to buy biodegradable material to then create clothes with it. People find that amazing and buy this clothes.

My association goes to (usines) to find this material then goes to shops to give biodegradable material. It's easy and economic. Easy, because the boss of the shop doesn't need to move to find this material and economic, because this is free. Like that, the boss of the shop makes many money with ther clothes.

Since my association is created, more shops ask own help.

We realize this project with love and lot of serious.

Caroline STEPHAN, 2nd 1.

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