

Publié le 06/12/2021

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My Experience

The problem that has emerged in our project are time climate problems. During the second week, he had a natural disaster, the houses, the buildings were destroyed in Somalia. There were many dead and many hurt. It was awful. Authorities to intervene. During this period, the director of the association we leave him alone. We had no shelter. We walked a few days to reach a village that has allowed us to reconnect in order to go home. This trip affected me personally and especially the kindness and generosity of each person, from my home home, I was considered one of them which was very touching. Despite the poverty in their village, I lacked nothing they did everything for me to be at best, this is my way of being that deeply.On my return, I was both happy with the villagers who asked me the heart of emotion, but also very disappointed with my manager after his irresponsible behavior that endangered our lives. That is why I am forced to lodge a complaint against him because it is unforgivable. That's not why I'm going to stop being voluntary humanitarian projects like this where I still keeps a very good experience.

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