

Publié le 08/12/2021

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Anglais oral

The invention of Internet:
Internet is a global computer network consists of a set of national, regional and private. Internet is also, and increasingly, to telephone calls and transmitting video and live audio (or streaming), that is to say, like a TV or radio receiver. Unlike technologies such as the telephone, Internet has no ``inventor'', it has evolved over time. Internet got its start in the United States more than 50(fifty) years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. For years, scientists and researchers used it to communicate and share data with one another. Today we use the internet for almost everything, and for many people, it would be impossible to imagine life without it, almost a third of 6.8 (six, eight) bilion people worldwide the use regularly.
Social networking sites like Facebook have become a popular way for people of all ages to stay connected.

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