

Publié le 18/05/2020

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« The bounty hunter   Kurt Ostin is not like others : he is the most famous bounty hunter.he tracks the most dangerous gangsters which are written in the «  Black List » , to get the bonus on their heads and to exterminate ther .

This bounty hunter has the particularity of cut the head of his victims and conserve that.

He buries the deheader body.But one day , a normal day , everybody stare at Kurt : his name is written on the Black List .

Him ? A bounty hunter ? On the Black List ?«  Kurt Ostin : wanted for two million £ (pound sterling).

Dead or Alive »Some people look at him with compassion but others look at him with lust to kill .Devoid of any defense , betrayed by  his friends , he must confront the worse and escaped at this track without mercy ... « that book is the seller of year ! » Daily Mirror. »


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