

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« 2) I went during two weeks to see a shrink.

I had become completely depressive. 3) The shrink suggests me to leave New York, and move to somewhere else, in a more restful place.

My wife have just left me, furthermore she managed to have the child care.

Nothing more holds me in New York.

This idea is very interesting. 4) I move in Arkansas and I buy a small house and fields to cultivate vegetables.

I become a small farmer.

I am very happy.

I spend all my days outside. 5) My fields become bigger and bigger, so I decide to hire some employees.

But weeks and weeks pass and I become tired of this work 6) My immense fields become a big business.

I have 100 employees and I manage them.

So I settle down in an office to manage the company.

I realize that my business which I have just created becomes the same that I had before.

Now I’m like in New York based in an office all day.

All the things that I have done served has nothing.

My children miss me terribly.

From days to days I become depressive.

I feel so lonely. »


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