
The United States of Amer ica (1)

Publié le 09/10/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : The United States of Amer ica (1). Ce document contient 529 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format PDF sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Langues.

« ~ The United States of America (1) L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottoes Public ho/idays Washington D:C.

(District of Columbia) US dollar($) "The Star Spang/ed Banner" or "Stars and Stripes": 50 white stars (the 50 states) and 13 red and white stripes (the 13 original colonies) .

Tl:!_e Star Spangled Banner -The American Great Sea/ -The Bald Eagle -Unc/eSam -Th!,!-Sta tue of ~iberty -E plu ribus unum -ln Godwe trust -3rd Monday in January: Martin Luther King Day -4th Ju/y : lndependence Day -1st Monday in September: Labour Day -12th October: Columbus Day -4th Thursday in November: Thanksgiving nmeric an institution s Executive power Judicia/ power Legislative power Official documents -The President: e/ected for a four-year term; lives in the White House.

-The Cabinet (Attorney General; Vice President; Secre tary of State; Secr etary of Defense; Secretary of the Treasury).

The Supreme Court: ensures that the laws respect the Constitution .

Congress = the Senate (100 members) + the House of Representatives (435 members) -The Declaration of lndepe ndence (1776) -The Constitution (1787 : 27 Amendments) : • 13th Amendment (1865) = abolition of slavery; • 15th Amendment (1870) = right ta vote for ail men, Whites and Blacks; • 19th Amendment (1919) = right to vote for women .

-The Bilrof Rights (1789: first 10 amendments) : • 1st Amendment = freedom of speech, of religion; • 2nd Amendment = the right to bea r arms.. »


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