
THE PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)

Publié le 19/03/2021

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« Present an English charity organization THE PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) PETA and its affiliates around the world educate politicians and the public about cruelty to animals and promote the right of all animals to be treated with respect. PETA is a non-profit association founded by Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk.

The field of activity of the association is to defend the rights of animals.

This association was founded in March 1980.

PETA operates worldwide, has more than three million members and supporters, it is the largest organization in the world working for animal rights. Its head office is located in Norfolk, USA.

The association has sales of US $ 44,609,539.

The association has offices in the United Kingdom (PETA Europe), Germany, India, the Netherlands and France. One of PETA's goals is to inform the public of its position through advertising campaigns, secret investigations, animal rescue and lobbying techniques. This association like all existing associations has several opportunities, whichhelp it to its personal development, but also to overcome their goal. However, it also has what we call threats, these are external actions that do not help it and on the contrary slow it down in its fight against the animal cause. Indeed the market is expanding, because society evolves and therefore the ideas of humans too.

People are more and more sensitive to respect for animals.

This helps the PETA to have fewer animals to defend but above all to have more support and help from consumers. The association has the support of all social networks, so it can share and put information there in order to raise awareness.

The association is helped by donations made by people who help it to develop more and to be able to save more animals in larger quantities. The creation of vegan restaurants and the students oppose, demonstrate and fight in order to help animal liberation and help lead the revolt against human supremacy in order to put an end to speciesism. Finally, following investigations, PETA discovered the abuse animal in laboratories, farms and slaughterhouses, the clothing industry, the pet trade, and more asHappy Egg Co., an “outdoor” egg farmer touts his “happy hens,” but shocking scenes reveal hens crammed by the thousands in miserable conditions.

Which shows that the goal of this association is essential in order to help animals and their rights.. »


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