
Te tg4 sequence 2

Publié le 14/03/2022

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« TE TG4 Séquence 2 A1 2.

Signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on July 29, 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 " provided for research into the problems of flight within and outside the earth's atmosphere " and established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Space Act of 2015 would do a lot of things to encourage the private space industry--including extending the "learning period" wherein fledgling (=startup) spaceflight companies can operate without too much government oversight. So, the 1958 Act estbalished rules for US space exploration (nation) and the 2015 Act enlarged possibilities for the space race to private entrepreneurs.


Firstly, you need to send a rocket containing a spacecraft capable of analysing the surface of a material (the question being: is there water?) to space.

Secondly, when the rocket has arrived safely where it needed to be, the spacecraft can be deployed meaning that it separates from the main spacecraft (the rocket) and leaves to accomplish its mission.

Thirdly, it analyzes the surface of an asteroid from afar, then it uses surface probes to collect materials from it, to analyze it and to send the information to the space organization which sent it there. The document states all the uses water would have in space.

It seems to be important for going further in our exploration of space: it’d be used as rocket propellant.

The other reasons stated seem to indicate that life in space for us or other forms of life would be possible thanks to the presence of water (hydration, growing food, breathable air, radiation shielding).

The document seems to support asteroid mining as it shows how, why it should be done.

Here, it puts forward the fact that asteroids can provide a lot of useful materials and resources to improve human technology and existence in general.

It doesn’t give any of the drawbacks of asteroid mining. 4.

Asteroid mining is important as some asteroids contain valuable resources such as water, copper, nickel and platinum worth billions. 5.

‘Space out’ = être dans la lune.

Expression idiomatique à utiliser ! A2 1,2 ➢ Group 1 This document is an infographic about the composition of the ISS.

The superpowers here are the USA, Russia, Japan, Europe, Canada, Italy and Brazil, in order of highest to lowest contributors to the ISS structure. ➢ Group 2 This document is a BBC video about the interest India is taking in space.

The superpowers here are Russia, the USA and China, but India is being added to the list as a low-cost space superpower, sending satelites into space.

The others are considered superpowers because they have sent or are sending manned missions into space.. »


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