
Sussex Spaniel.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Sussex Spaniel.
Sussex Spaniel, breed of sporting dog, named for the area of Great Britain where it originated. The Sussex spaniel originally was developed for use by hunters.
The Sussex spaniel has a long, muscular body with short, strong legs. It stands about 33 to 38 cm (about 13 to 15 in) high at the shoulders, and weighs about 15.5 to
18 kg (about 33 to 38 lb). The deep, broad chest is well developed. The shoulders are laid back, and the short neck is slightly arched. The head is long and broad,
tapering to a broad muzzle. Large, hazel-colored eyes are framed by long eyebrows. Large, lobe-shaped ears are set slightly above the outer corners of the eyes. The
low-set tail is cut to a length of about 12.5 to 17.5 cm (about 5 to 7 in). The Sussex spaniel has a thick fur coat that is either flat or slightly waved. A golden-liver color
is unique to this breed.
The Sussex spaniel originally was used by hunters. It moves with a rolling, powerful stride and is known for barking while following a scent trail.
This breed was one of the first 10 recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) when it was organized in 1884. The national breed club for this spaniel is the Sussex
Spaniel Club of America.

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