
Sujet national, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Elizabeth George, A place Of Hiding, 2003.

Publié le 26/01/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Sujet national, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Elizabeth George, A place Of Hiding, 2003.. Ce document contient 1203 mots soit 4 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format PDF sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Langues.

a) Pour ce sujet, il faudra penser à définir ce qu'est la liberté et à peser le pour et le contre. Si avoir un bateau semble être un signe de liberté, il est toutefois clair que cette liberté a ses limites et c'est ce qu'il ne faudra pas oublier de montrer. b) Comme il s'agit décrire une suite au texte, il faudra veiller à garder le même style et le même niveau de langue. Pensez aussi à respecter la psychologie des personnages pour rester logique avec ce qui précède. N'oubliez pas non plus défaire parler China qui doit rester sceptique face aux propos de son frère.

« Sujet 6 + Sujet national, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LVI "Why aren't you in class? Have you dropped out" "Quit.

I needed more free cime to do the papers.

That's taken off in a very big way.

l've got to tell you, the number of conscienceless college students these days just boggles the rnind, Chine.

If I wanted to do this for a career, l'd probably be able to retire when l'm forty." 5 China rolled her eyes.

The papers were term papers, take-home essay tests, the occassional master's thesis, and, so far, two doctoral dissertations.

Cherokee wrote them for university students who had the cash and who couldn't be bothered to write the papers themselves.

This had long ago raised the question of why Cherokee -who'd never received less than a Bon something he'd written for payment -couldn't himself get up the steam to remain in college.

He'd been in and out of the 10 University of California so many cimes that the institution practically had a revolving door with his name above it.

But Cherokee had a facile explanation for his exceedingly blotted college career.

"If the uc 1 system would just pay me to do my work what the students pay me to do their work, l'd do the work." "Does Mom know you've dropped out again?" she asked her brother.

15 ''l've eut the strings." "Sure you have." China hadn't had lunch, and she was beginning to feel it.

She pulled out the fixings for a salad from the refrigerator and from the cupboard took down one plate, a subtle hint that she hoped her brother would take.

"So, ask me." He dragged a chair out from the kitchen table and plopped down.

He reached for 20 one of the apples that a dyed basket held in the centre of the table and he had it all the way to his mouth before he seemed to realise it was artificial.

She unwrapped the romaine and began to tear it onto her plate.

"Ask you what?" "You know.

You're avoiding the question.


l'11 ask it for you.

'What's the big plan, Cherokee? What've you got going? Why won't you be needing a car?' The answer: because l'm getting a boat.

25 And the boat's going to provide it all.

Transportation, income, and housing." "You just keep thinking, Butch," China murmured, more to herself than to him.

ln so many ways Cherokee had lived his thirty-three years like that Wtld West outlaw.

There was always a scheme to get rich quick, have something for nothing, and live the good life.

"No," he said.


This is

l've already found the boat.

lt's down in Newport.

lt's a 30 fishing boat.

Right now it takes people out from the harbour.

[ ...

] lt needs some work but l'd live on the boat while I fixed it up.

Buy what I need at marine chandleries -don't need a car for that - and l'd take people out year-round." 1.

uc : University of California.. »


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