

Publié le 02/12/2021

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Roman In the earliest Roman religion, a sungod worshiped by the Sabines, who introduced thecult of Sol to the Roman people when a Sabine kingruled over that city. As Greek religions gained influenceover the religions of Rome, people identified Solwith Helios, the Greek sun god, and with Apollo,who also had attributes of the Sun in his myths.Later, the Roman emperor Aurelian (a.d. 270–275)introduced the worship of Sol Invictus (InvincibleSun) to Rome, but this Sol is known to have been ofSyrian origins and is not the Sol of the older religionsof Rome. The worship of Sol Invictus was one of thelast cults introduced into Roman culture before theemperor Constantine converted to Christianity inthe a.d. 300s.Sol is the name given to the Sun at the center ofour solar system that is 98 million miles from Earth.It is 109 times the diameter of Earth and has beenshining for more than 4 billion years, according toscientific estimates.

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