
Skye Terrier.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Skye Terrier.
Skye Terrier, breed of dog, that originated many centuries ago on the Isle of Skye off the northwestern coast of Scotland. The dog became a pet for the English
aristocracy about the middle of the 16th century and was one of the most popular of the terriers in England and the United States until about the beginning of the 20th
century. The Skye terrier has a long, massive head; ears that are either erect or hanging; hazel-colored, medium-sized, close-set eyes; short, straight legs; a low body,
25 cm (10 in) high at the shoulder in the male and 24 cm (9.5 in) high in the female, and with the length approximately twice the height; and a tail about 23 cm (about
9 in) long. The dog weighs 6 to 9 kg (14 to 20 lb). It has a double coat, an undercoat of soft, woolly hairs, and an outercoat of hard, straight hairs that are about 13 cm
(about 5 in) long. The hair growing on the terrier's head falls over the forehead and eyes. In color the dog is light or dark gray, blue, or fawn with dark points.

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