
secret of happy life

Publié le 15/02/2022

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : secret of happy life. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Religions.

« Equal rights for men and women have been a never -ending battle since 1848.

This shows that until today, it has been a contentious issue for 173 years.

It's a long time! Even with progress towards equality of gender rights, in some areas the effect has not been fully realized.

I agree that men and women have equal rights, but there are some differences along the way. When God created man, he created man in the image of God.

He created them male and female with equal blessings and called them "men" ( not men or women).

It is true that both sexes have different aspects, such as physically emotionally and spiritually.

However, most of their attributes based on emotions and behavior are more socially constructed from childhood by pressure from society and parents than by God.

My point is that the idea that physical differences in men and women affect their abilities is a misinterpretation.

In politics, women are just as capable as men.

Examples include Angela Merkel, Germany's first female chancellor to do a good job, and even US Vice President Kamala Harris.

Also in the field of sports, successful female athletes such as Allyson Felix, Simone.

And in the Middle Ages, some sports were excluded from women. However, research done by the well -known platform Hi ve shows that in today's office, women must work 10% harder than men every day.

Why does such injustice exist? Why are women shouldering such a heavy burden when they even have unpaid work to do at home? It was as if social women were discouraged and retur ned to the traditional roles of wife and mother.

Not only at work, they struggle to gain recognition, but in all other areas of life.

In Time magazine, Allyson felix talks about the inequalities she faced in her athletic career.

The hard work she needs to give to get a little bit of recognition.

Furthermore, in Afghanistan, girls are restricted to education due to religious and cultural beliefs.

At the same time, men also face inequalities with women or other men.

Based on emotional statements that the plai ntiff was a woman, the man was falsely accused of violence.

Another example is when women are given more childcare privileges than fathers. On the other hand, it is clear that males are physically stronger, as biologists have proven.

Still, that doesn't me an women should be inferior and treated less well than men.

Because women can have children, but men can't.

Likewise, there are many things men can do that women can't, and things that women can do that men can't.

According to Christianity, God created wom en as "helpers" to men.

The Lord God said: "It is not good for a man to be alone.

I will make him a suitable helper (Genesis 2:18).

Obviously, this does not mean that the man is weak, but that the two together form a better team.. »


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