

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« SCRIPT SCENE 1: In the meeting room.

Emma enters in the room and sees that her journalist friend, is not fine.

E : Hey Claudie-Anne/friend! How are you (doing) ? *Putting her stuff on a chair.

Claudie-Anne is sitting on a chair and thinking with a sad face* (Worried) Are you okay? C-A : What?! Oh yes, I am okay...

I was thinking about something.

E : It doesn't seem...

(Tidying the table) What are you thinking about? C-A: Do you remember the tsunami in Asia in 2004.

About ten years ago I lost my cousin in this catastrophe.


But why are you moving so much? E : Because it was a bit messy and I have ordered pizzas, it will relax you to eat something, I think.

C-A : Thanks but can you, please, stop moving for few minutes? E : Yes, i'm sitting right now.

(sitting) C-A : I have some family who survived.

I contacted them a few days ago.

They explained me it was difficult with unemployement and tourism became vulnerable because tourists were afraid .

Now, the landscape almost looks as before the catastrophe except they are missing a lot of important people for them.

People who were loved by them..

E : I am so sorry...

You know I care about protecting our environment! This tsunami also destroyed coral reefs and agricultural soils so it was difficult to have enough food for people after.

And you know what?! C-A : No?!!....

You are the boss in this subject.

E : There were invisible consequences too like the soil pollution with chemical products (Bell rings) *C-A stand up and go opening the door* and also groundwater when there was no water, people took in .....

L : Hello! I have pizzas for Emma! C-A: Yes she is right there.

Emma, here are our pizzas! *Emma arrives with some money* E : Here is your money and thanks a lot! L : Your welcome! I heard that you were talking about a catastrophe?! *Emma and Claudie-Anne are looking at each other (in their eyes)* E : About the tsunami in 2004.

L : Oh gosh! Each time, I talk about that I am so sad....

C-A : Why? L: Can I come?! And I will explain you.

E: Hum...

Yes if you want! (watching C-A in her back) She doen't seem nasty! C-A : Okay...

(Sitting around the table) L : I am always sad when we talk about a catastrophe because it reminds me the tsunami in 2004 where I lost a friend.

He/She was on holidays.... »


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