

Publié le 16/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : SACAGAWEA Ce document contient 469 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« Gatipon Anglais Antoine 2°7 SACAGAWEA Intro : Sacagawea was an american shoshone squaw who was born in 1787 in the tribe of the shoshone but the name Sacagawea was her nickname ; her real name was Boinaiv in the Shoshone culture.

She had another nickname which was Janey : it was by Clark.In the early 1800s, Sacajawea accompanied Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their historical expedition from St.

Louis, Missouri, to the Pacific Ocean.

Sacajawea is responsible in large part for the success of the expedition, due to her navigational, diplomatic, and translating skills.

Sacajawea was an interpreter and guide and the only one woman member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804. Partie I : In 1803, Jefferson and the U.


Congress authorized a "Voyage of Discovery" by which a group of men would explore the territory between the Mississippi and Columbia Rivers and attempt to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean ; Lewis and Clark have been invited to direct it.


Charbonneau asked Lewis and Clark to hire him and his shoshones' wifes but only Sacagawea and him were hired as interpreters.

Lewis and Clark thought that someone who could speak the snake's language were an asset for them.

After a wind storm had knocked down the canoe, Sacagawea hold all of merchandises, papers and medecins that she could in her arms.

She saved a big proportion of resources.

When a shoshone tribute would declare the war to the members of the expedition, Sacagawea recongnize his brother and stoped this declaration of war.

More, when L&C were sick, she nursed them with medical plants as she had learned with the shoshones.

In conclusion we can say that Sacagawea was an extraordianry guide. Partie II : At 11 years old , Boinaiv was kidnapped by Hidatsa warriors with others girls and boys.

At the moment they arrived to Hidatsa camp, habitants called her Sacagawea which means « Bird woman ».

B etween 1800 and 1804, Sacajawea and another girl were won in a gambling match by the trader Toussaint Charbonneau, a French-Canadian who was residing among the Hidatsa.

He eventually married both girls.

After the arrived in a village she was pregnant.

The day of the birth, the « labor was tedious and the pain violent » wrote Lewis in his journal.

With Jean-Baptiste in a cradleboard, her son, she would to continue the expedition as interpreter.

She crossed rivers, climbed mountains with her baby in the back.

We can say in conclusion that Sacagawea was the perfect incarnation of the strong wife. Partie III : After her death in nearly 1812 in Fort Manuel Lisa at 25 years old, she suffered a veritable cult of honor and many have been made : the sculptures, paintings, performances in films or in books and even more it's efigie on a piece of one U.S.

dollar .. »


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