
Question raised : Is WSS exploring or exploding its canon R&J ?

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Question raised : Is WSS exploring or exploding its canon R&J ?
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« Question raised : Is WSS exploring or exploding its canon R&J ? We have 2 documents : -> The canon : Romeo and Juliet (balcony scene) : 16 th Play by Shakespeare : british writer, Elizabethean theater, dramaturge Wrote plays (drama, tragedy, comedy) Huge influence on english language (ex : “love is blind”, “seen better days”...) Characters : Romeo Montague, Juliet Capulet, two wealthy families -> The fanfiction : West Side Story ("tonight tonight" scene) : 1950's Play by Arthur Laurents : american playwriter Characters : Tony Jet (american class-working family), Maria Shark (immigrant Puerto Rico) In both extracts : couples meeting secretly, exchange vows of love, hide bcs forbiden by their families What Arthur Laurents changed to the canon : -> In R&J : nurses coming, in WSS : Maria's father -> closer to her -> places : both night but in R&J : Verona, Italy (romantic, bucolic) in WSS : New York City (urban setting) in R&J : Juliet on her balcony, Romeo in Capulet's orchard in WSS : Tony and Maria togheter on a fire escape -> in WSS (more modern) they are closer In those extracts we can also see the evolution of : -> society : In R&J families are fighting for power -> rivalry, long time ennemies In WSS argument about immigration -> language : In R&J : Lexical field : nature -> purity, romantism Repetitions : “goodnight” -> can't say goodbye teo Metaphores are about nature : “thi bud of love [...]” -> represents begining of love ; “my bounty is as boundless as the see” -> means his loyalty is as deep as the sea Rhymes : poetry In WSS : Lexical field : cosmos -> Elizabethean's beliefs -> repetition of “stars” time -> doesn't pass when they are together Repetitions : “tonight” -> like in R&J, can't say goodbye teo Metaphores : “the world was just an adress” -> what is important is love Rhymes : musical WSS explores R&J bcs it keeps the reasons of writing the plot (impossible love, rivalry btw two families) the essence of Shakespeare's tragedy , romantism and the Elizabethean's beliefs + Our attachment - Prokofiev's ballet : R&J dance tgth, coregraphy shows they can't say goodnight teo. »


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