
Maine Coon Cat.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Maine Coon Cat.
Maine Coon Cat, large breed of cat, North America's only native longhaired breed. The Maine coon probably developed by natural selection in response to New England's
harsh climate. It is a muscular cat with a long body, heavy bones, and large round paws. A full-grown Maine coon male weighs from 5 to 8 kg (12 to 18 lb); females are
smaller. Maine coons do not reach their full size until they are four or five years old. The Maine coon has a long, shaggy coat; large ears; a long, square muzzle; and a
long, full plume of a tail. Maine coons come in a wide range of colors. The most common Maine coon color is the brown tabby (brown with black stripes).
The Maine coon's gentle, easygoing disposition and affectionate nature make it an ideal companion. It has a soft voice, ranging from a soft trill to a nearly-silent squeak.
Many Maine coons use their paws to eat food and drink water; this raccoonlike habit, combined with the fact that a large brown tabby Maine coon somewhat resembles
a raccoon, led to its name.

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